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After His Second Child

9 december, 2020 - 2:11Inga kommentarer

Just hours after Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput returned home with their second born — baby boy Zain Kapoor — the actor was back to work.— Sanskriti Mediaend-ofTags: shahid kapoor, mira rajput, zain kapoor. The actor is now scheduled to film Arjun Reddy soon after. This time too, I was negotiating to take a month-long break, but things didn’t work out.Shahid KapoorIt is work as usual for the actor who went back to dubbing for his upcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu, soon after his second child’s birth. The following day Mira and Zain were taken home and Shahid went for the dubbing of Batti Gul Meter Chalu at Sunny Super Sound.

I will get only a week off from work. Just hours after Shahid Kapoor plastic flowmeters lzs series and wife Mira Rajput returned home with their second born — baby boy Zain Kapoor — the actor was back to work.It can be recalled that Shahid had asked his producers of the upcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu and the Hindi remake of Arjun Reddy to adjust the dates so that he could spend some quality time with his family. It is too short a duration, but such are the circumstances.The actor had recently said, “During Misha’s birth (in 2016) I took a couple of months off.”Mira delivered the newborn on 6 September, a day before her birthday.


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